One Minute More Meditation


Meditation can help you manage your fear response, learn how to sit with difficult emotions or physical sensations and give you peace of mind.

But if you’re like me, getting starting can feel overwhelming, especially when people tell you to sit for 30 minutes.

How do you get from zero minutes of sitting to 30 minutes a day?

It feels impossible, right?

Well, I found a way.

You sit for 1 minute and then add 1 more minute each day until you get to 30.

Yes, it’s that simple.

But no, it’s not easy.

That’s where the One Minute More Meditation email course comes in.

Each day you will receive an email that will support you throughout the 30 days of sitting.

You won’t have to do it alone.

Each email will include:

BlueCheck1a reminder about how many minutes to sit

BlueCheck1a meditation tip and

BlueCheck1an optional meditation focus or technique for the day

In addition to the daily emails, you will get:

BlueCheck1a resource tip sheet with what you need to get started and keep going

BlueCheck12 guided audio meditations (one on day 5, then one on day 15)

Cost: $25


Registration isn’t open yet so please sign up below to be notified when the One More Minute Meditation e-course is available. If you have any questions, send me a note here.

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